- Wear your baby or carry your baby if you can. With baby number 4, I had a fairly bad disc herniation in my L4/L5 that limited how much I could use the Baby Bjorn or other carrying devices. I could hold my boy very close to me, but I had to be much more creative. Babies love to see what their siblings are doing and are content to "hangout" while Mom or Dad do school.
- Keep stations around to rotate your baby through. This seems obvious, but maximize the use of the baby swing, the activity gyms, the bouncy seats and the exer-saucers.
- Don't be afraid of belly-time and be creative about making it happen! Belly time should be your baby's number one job in life after eating, sleeping and pooping. Really. I call it "Baby Boot Camp". Belly time ultimately could save your baby's life by speeding him or her through the dangerous SUIDS/SIDS window. I am a firm believer that the faster your baby builds muscle tone in his diaphragm, the faster your baby can roll about and get around, all these milestones help strengthen your baby's natural protections against crib death. In between assignments with big brother or big sister, make sure your baby is getting time on his belly.
Homeschooling With Babies
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